
About US

Adult &Teen Challenge Shenandoah Valley offers Christ-centered, faith-based recovery programs for individuals struggling with life-controlling addiction.


Meet our Team

Success Rate 

While no studies have been completed on the local center; the nations ATC leadership commission a report to examine the long-term impact of programming on the lives of ATC graduates. Results indicate that 78% of the sample respondents are sober and substance abuse free after participating in the ATC program.


Read the Study

The Heart of Adult Teen Challenge

Our Pillars & Values

Our Mission

We endeavor to help people become mentally sound, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, physically well, and spiritually alive.


Our Vision

To put hope within reach of every addict in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. To truly help people find freedom from addiction. 


Our Values

Integrity - Living and working with excellence

Compassion - Embracing hope, love, and reconciliation

Community - Working together and supporting one another

 Servanthood - Dedicating ourselves to the success of others.


Our DNA 

Prayer - The Cornerstone of our Work

Evangelism - Love for the Lost

Dependence on Holy Spirit - Only He can Change Lives

Discipleship & The Jesus Factor - Jesus is the Program

Exemplary Leadership - Raising up Sons & Daughters

Personal Responsibility - Establishing the Culture

Faith - Believing God for Miracles


Pastor John Franich

Novella Franich

David Moseley

Pastor Justin Franich




Campus Administrator/Co-Founder


Men's Program Manager


Campus Pastor and Outreach



“Bill helped me create an attainable financial plan that is already changing my life.” 



“After listening to just one episode of Bill’s podcast, everything started falling into place.”



“Bill is the secret sauce to my recent financial gains. I can’t thank him enough.” 

An investment in Teen Challenge is an investment in a Changed Life.

Your Gift Ignites Lasting Change in Lives Touched by Addiction.

Invest in Life Change